We have a zero-tolerance policy for abusive language and behaviour. This includes swearing, insulting, mocking, yelling at, threatening, and/or using tones that are abrasive, sarcastic, or hostile in nature. This also includes sexual harassment, which may be in the forms of explicit comments and/or advances made toward doctors, nurses, office staff members and/or other patients. Acts of violence, property damage, or physical intimidation will also not be tolerated. Decisive action will be taken when any of the aforementioned breaches occur. Breaches of this policy may result in the termination of a patient from Dr. Wang's care.
Please understand that we do our best to provide high-quality health care to every patient, and this is best achieved in a relationship of mutual respect.
It is patients' responsibility to ensure their health care providers have accessible ways of reaching them on short notice for urgent matters. Patients must have an email by which the office can reach them.
If there is a change in your appointment time or clinic closure, we will call your number once or email you once. If we cannot leave a message, due to limited resources, we regret to inform you that we cannot call again.
Carefully review phone and office hours to ensure calls and visits to our office are made within our hours of operation. We are not liable for missed calls or voicemails made outside of our hours of operation.
We also ask that patients only use the phone number listed on our Contact Us page to reach us. Alternative numbers obtained by patients may be the private cell phone numbers of staff members, who have a right to block numbers from patients if they are called outside of our hours of operation. This may inhibit our ability to reach patients at a later date. To ensure this does not happen to you, only use the number listed as our office number.
Please refrain from calling more than once for the same inquiry or calling to see if a task has been completed. Our office number rings through to an offsite booking receptionist, who can help with appointment inquiries. For specific questions, please email the office. For general questions, please read our website. For a prescription renewal, have your pharmacy fax your request to 226-647-5788. It can take up to 2 weeks for us to process prescription renewal requests. If you run out of your prescription in the meantime, your pharmacy will provide you with an emergency supply. Multiple calls for the same inquiry preclude other patients from calling to book their appointments.
Due to our limited resources and high patient volume, many requests, including those regarding forms and prescription refills, may take more than 5 business days to process. Please read below for a comprehensive breakdown of how long different requests may take to process.
These wait times are due to the high volume of requests we receive on a daily basis. Requests are triaged accordingly.
By joining Dr. Wang's clinic as a patient, you make a contractual agreement, in which you agree to refrain from seeing doctors outside of Dr. Wang's group.
The Ministry of Health charges (i.e., negates) Dr. Wang when patients enrolled under her care see general physicians outside of her group. This includes visits to urgent care clinics and walk-in clinics, but does not include visits to the hospital or pharmacist. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario considers negations as valid grounds to release a patient from the practice.
If you're ever attending an outside clinic for long-term purposes, let us know beforehand, and we can accommodate you.
For urgent, same-day medical issues, there are on call doctors within the group. Please visit our webpage, Book an Appointment, for more details. To book an appointment with the on call doctor, send us an email or give us a call during our hours of operation, and we'll book you an appointment for the next available on call appointment slot.
Patients are expected to be reasonably familiar with Frederick Street Family Medicine policies before contacting our office or visiting our location.
450 Frederick Street, Unit 202 Kitchener, Ontario N2H 2P5
Phone: 519-618-9260 Fax: 226-647-5788 Email: Info@tannerymedical.com
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Tuesday: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday: Closed
The office is closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm daily
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Tuesday: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday: 9:00am-12:00 pm (for appointment booking only)
The office is closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm daily
Email and voicemails will only be responded too during business hours. It may take up to 24-48 hours to return messages left)